Scared Activations (SA) has become an important part of her sessions to support her clients’ journeys towards self- empowerment. Basically, I am here to facilitate your personal development with greater grace and ease. How does it get better than this? The SA Mastering the Masters (Level 3) course enables me to truly hold the energy and vibration of the Masters enabling me work and create at the level of a master of the Universe.
Evlyn became a fan of SA when it was first introduced in late 2012. She followed almost all of the classes and reviewed many of its subsequent classes. She got her SA Level 3 namely, Mastering the Masters in June 2014 . She was in the first batch of Medical Intuitive with her last review in 2020.
SA is pretty cool too 😉 Her clients really enjoyed SA being part of their healing journey. The 4 series of Akashic Record training , which she took over 4 weekends in Jan and Feb 2019 helped her overcome a mental barrier that it can only be accessible to some. Must be some past (life) programming!
She joined Tamra for a scared tour of Glastonbury the heart chakra of Mother Earth, the Abbey , Stonehenge in Aug 2017. And also took one of Tamra’s many . join her sacred tours if the opportunity presents . Its fun!
Evlyn is also a Thetahealing Master with Certificate of Science practitioner and teacher. These two modalities are a gift from the Universe , and they compliment each other so well .